Immersion Overhaul Mod

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Mod info

Immersion Overhaul Mutator ( aka IOM ) is a mod for Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad. The main goals of this mod are to provide an even more realistic, historically accurate, and hardcore experience to RO2:HOS; adding new content ( weapons, skins, equiptment ), more realistic weapon performance, and less anachronistic gear based on the map.

Initially the mod began in 2013 as a merge of the Sound Mutator and Better Realism mods, recently having added even more weapons, textures, sounds, and immersive gameplay experience to Red Orchestra 2. 

Here are just some of the things the mod will change / add:

New weapons (PPD-40, M38 Carbine, DT Machine Gun, MP-41, Molotov Cocktails, extra Grenade types, Shovel Tools for melee - and more to come!);
New randomized uniforms and skins for both winter and summer;
Adjusted existing uniforms for greater historical authenticity;
Realistic weapon handling (sound, recoil, spread, damage, availability [anachronism], and carried ammunition);
Historically accurate uniforms for time periods (late war Germans can get Splittertarn camo, etc);
Possibility to attach/detach bayonet on rifles;
Additional sounds for vehicle combat and artillery / grenades;
Rising Storm with IOM-style gameplay (with sounds too; though any extra content such as weapons and uniforms is not our priority here);
And much more coming soon!

We also have a thread on the official Tripwire forums:


Dibbler - Project Leader and Primary Coder
Panzer Jager '43 - Better Realism Mutator and Secondary Coder
aaz - 3D Modeling and Animation
JellonaVesa - 3D Modeling and 2D Art
eremin - 3D Modeling
Moskeeto - Skins, skins, skins, skins, sounds
Coin-goD - Textures and Models
Kaminski - Waffen SS models
Warishell - Waffen SS model rigging and packaging
Walleye - Textures
Sgt. Nightfire - Sounds
Howitzer114 - Sounds
The_pacific - Sounds
PsychoPigeon - Sounds
McGunn3r - Sounds
N1H1L1573 - Sounds
Nika Ilyin - Research
Скрытый_Унтеръ - Research
Unus Offa, Unus Nex - Research
TheSynchronizer - Decals
Kleist - 2D Art and Sheer Dedication !!! (thanks Kleist)
Cannonball - 2D Art

If we've forgotten you, we're very sorry! Let us know and we'll update this immediately. We hope you understand how difficult it is to keep track of all of this.

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